About us


Meteo.pl is one of the most recognised and professional meteorological websites. With 25 years of experience in modelling meteorological conditions in the Central European area, our team makes an important contribution to the development of this field at a global level.

The ICM is continuously building a digital archive of high-resolution atmospheric data for research projects of national science centres and for the operation of an open information service on the web.

We have a unique database with forecasts since 1997. Archived and current meteorological forecasts provide a database applicable to various projects.

To create the forecast, we use modern supercomputers, including Intel Haswell Cray XC40 with 1084 compute nodes. This is especially important for business partners, but also for uniformed services and public administrations wishing to obtain accurate, local meteorological data.

Our numerical forecasts are calculated using four weather models:


(UKMO Unified Model) at 4 km resolutiong


at 1.5 km resolution


(Weather Research and Forecasting Model) at 3.4 km resolution


Baltic Sea Model

Working in partnership with the global Met Office consortium, the Meteo team continues to increase the quality of the websites created.



Meteo.pl is a project that dates back to 1994. At that time, in agreement of IMGW and ICM with Met Office, UM model version 3.2 was installed on the computer in ICM. An attempt to build the NWP (Numerical Weather Prediction) system in the Institute was undertaken by Dr Bogumił Jakubiak – head of IMGW’s Long Range Forecasting Department. Testing of the model continued until mid-1996. The forecast was calculated once a day, 36 hours ahead. Despite the promising results, there was no bipartisan agreement between the Met Office and IMGW. In this situation, the ICM director, Professor Marek Niezgódka, engaging a team from IMGW, undertook to calculate numerical forecasts in cooperation with the Met Office. People from this team initially had employment at both IMGW and ICM, but over time were fully employed at UW. It was then that research work on numerical weather prediction began at ICM UW.

Since May 1997, the UM model has been developed at ICM UW and the forecasting results can be viewed on our pages. Until July 2001, the forecast was counted 1 time per day, then 4 times per day until now. Meanwhile, the resolution has also changed, from 17 km and 30 levels, to 1.5 km and 70 levels. Currently, the maximum length of the UM model is 120 h (calculated 2 times per day). The result of these years of work is the meteo.pl website.

mplementation of new software versions and work to increase the spatial resolution of the UM model are ongoing. Great emphasis is also placed on ensuring adequate efficiency in the processing of input data and the results generated. Work is ongoing to develop methods to verify the results obtained.

Our users

Meteo.pl is aimed at the general public looking for accurate and reliable weather forecasts as well as at scientific community, companies and institutions using meteorological data in their activities.

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Benefits for the meteo.pl user


to a modern and easy-to-use meteorological service


access to meteorograms and maps


weather forecast verifiability


resolution of the model


with hourly breakdown

A synoptician's commentary

which puts into perspective changes in the weather and describes and explains certain weather phenomena

Benefits for buisness partners

The possibility

of effective management in companies and institutions for which meteorological conditions are important

The possibility

of preventing the effects of severe weather events


to alert and warning services


to unique tools such as synoptic consultancy


to analyses and forecast summaries